Commodity Trading s.r.o.
Feed crude glycerine 80%
- originates as a by-product within the production procces of crude ester. It is hygroscopic ,brownish viscous liquid with pleasant scent
- It serves as a complementary source of natural energy for dairy cows, designeted to balance energetic bilance and to supress ketosis
- originates as a by-product within the production procces of glutamine and lysine amino acids - their fermentation from beet molasses and hydrolized starch. It is highly viscous dark-brown liquid with characteristic scent
- It serves as a natural complementary feed with high protein content - more than 50% and wide spectrum of amino acids
- glutamic acid content increases the overall intake of dry matter
- complementary feed mix for dairy cows composed of crude glycerine 80% and feed molasses in 50:50 ratio
- complementary feed mix for dairy cows composed of protein concentrate - Proteilic and feed molasses in 50:50 ratio
Orders and transport
Orders of individual feed materials are provided by cisterns. Indivudual materials can be combined within one delivery.
For more infromations please contact us on: comtrade@comtrade.cz